All-in-one battery systems
Get your all-in-one battery system - battery, controller and micro inverter in a single device. Save money, increase efficiency and get an even easier setup for your solar installation.

An interesting alternative to an all-in-one battery system

How does a plugin solar kit work?

Place your Kit where it gets the most sunlight
We have different kits specially designed to adapt to almost every place. The more sunlight your kit receives, the more energy it will produce!

Plug your Kit directly into your socket
It’s that simple! The energy generated by the solar panels will be transformed by the micro inverter for instant use by your home. Just Plug & Play!

Start cutting power bills and CO2 emissions
Producing your own solar energy avoids consuming grid power, that is not sustainable. Fighting climate change has never been this easy, and this good for your wallet too.
All in one battery systems
All-in-one battery systems combine battery storage, battery controller and micro inverter in one single device. This saves space and money, makes the installation even easier and improves the coordination of all three devices significantly. Connect your solar panels, plugin your all-in-one battery and start saving in minutes.