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Führend in der Branche mit innovativen Solarlösungen.


JINKO setzt den Standard für die Solarfertigung Exzellenz mit innovativer Technologie und überragender Qualität. Unsere Hochleistungs-Solarmodule sind darauf ausgelegt, die Energieproduktion zu maximieren, die Effizienz zu steigern und langfristige Zuverlässigkeit zu gewährleisten, was sie ideal für Anwendungen im privaten, gewerblichen und Versorgungsmaßstab macht , Nachhaltigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit, JINKO ist Ihr vertrauenswürdiger Partner für Premium-Solarlösungen, die eine bessere, nachhaltigere Zukunft ermöglichen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Marke

Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. (referred to as "JinkoSolar," stock code: 688223) is a globally renowned and highly innovative solar technology company. Embracing the mission of "changing the energy portfolio and taking responsibility for enabling a sustainable future," the company strategically positions itself in the core segments of the photovoltaic industry chain. It focuses on integrated research, development, and manufacturing of photovoltaic products, as well as providing comprehensive clean energy solutions, leading in sales in the global mainstream photovoltaic market.JinkoSolar's products serve over 190 countries and regions worldwide, catering to more than 3,000 customers. As of the first quarter of 2024, JinkoSolar has maintained its position as the global leader in module shipments for five years, with a cumulative total of more than 230 GW of module shipments. The company is an industry opinion leader in various international frameworks, including B20, and joined the RE100 green initiative in 2019.

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JINKO produz painéis solares de alta qualidade conhecidos por sua eficiência, confiabilidade e durabilidade. Seus painéis são usados ​​em instalações residenciais, comerciais e de serviços públicos em todo o mundo.

Blog posts

The new Performance Metal Roof solar kits are out now

Os novos kits solares Performance Metal Roof já estão disponíveis

Seguindo a nossa missão de levar a energia solar a todos os lares, adicionamos dois novos kits solares para telhados metálicos à nossa gama de produtos: um com ângulo e outro sem. Anteriormente, of...

How much can the Anker Solarbank 2 offset in an off-grid home or during a power cut?
General Information

Quanto o Anker Solarbank 2 compensa em sua casa off-grid?

Quer estejas a viver completamente fora da rede elétrica ou à procura de energia de reserva durante quedas de energia ocasionais, ter uma fonte de energia confiável é importante. A Robinsun lançou ...

World energy day - How to cut costs and live better with solar energy

Dia Mundial da Energia – Como reduzir custos e viver melhor com energia solar

Todos os anos, a 14 de fevereiro, o Dia Mundial da Energia recorda-nos o papel fundamental que a energia desempenha nas nossas vidas. Alimenta as nossas casas, mantém tudo a funcionar sem problemas...
